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Short List to Selection
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From Short List to Selection 

David W. Richardson, CSP, provides professional coaching and consultation to construction companies, architectural firms, engineering, electrical, and environmental companies preparing for an interview or presentation for a decision making selection committee. 

Working with team members in a group, as well as one on one, he helps each individual prepare and rehearse his/her part of the interview.  His unique approach has enabled many companies to win high profile, seven- to eight-figure projects. 

1.  Pre-Presentation

Ø     Site Visit.  Dave will visit the site with the project manager to examine all details and situations.  We will come away with two or three unique observations not apparent to other contractors to be used to capture the complete attention and confidence of the selection committee. 

Ø     Members of the team will gather in a meeting to plan a strategy for the presentation.  Participants will complete a brief outline to prepare for this meeting.  During this session, every question posed by the committee will be dissected and a framework will be crafted for each response.  At this point, participating team members will be assigned their portion of the presentation.

Further, we will examine the strengths that the competitive short-listed teams will use to leverage their position. 

Ø     Each team member will outline the message they plan to deliver with input from all team members. 

Ø     Appropriate visual aids will be determined, including, but not limited to, PowerPoint, boards, models, samples, etc.  Each participant will have input into the visuals that will support his/her portion of the presentation. 

2.     Pre-Presentation Rehearsal

Ø     Individual team members will meet with Dave to rehearse their portion of the presentation.  They will be videotaped and positively critiqued.  All critiques are conducted in a highly affirmative manner designed to help the presenter become more confident in the execution of their role during the interview.  Individuals will learn several very creative techniques for managing nervousness and anxiety during their portion of the presentation.  At this time, appropriate stories, anecdotes, analogies, and validations will be carefully refined and inserted into the presentation. 

Ø     The team will assemble for a complete rehearsal session designed to help them coordinate the entire presentation with effective transitions, visual aids, and timing.  This meeting will also include a Q&A rehearsal. 

Ø     A final rehearsal of all team members will ideally be scheduled on the day immediately preceding the actual presentation.  This complete run-through will focus on hitting the key points and strongly validating the message within the allotted time period.  The presentation will be well rehearsed but not over rehearsed. 

Ø     Q & A will be practiced.  A variety of challenging questions that committee members have asked in the past will be used to completely prepare each participant to answer tough questions confidently and definitively. 

The focus of the presentation will be directly on the needs, wants, interests, and requirements of the selection committee, not “what” you do, but, rather, the benefit of what you do “for” the client.  Big difference. 

The presentation, made with confidence, conviction, and passion, must satisfy and reassure the client that all risk, both during and after the project is completely mitigated.

To Schedule a Speaking Engagement or 
Consultation with David W. Richardson, CSP 
Call 1-800-338-5831,
480-451-8808 or e-mail us at

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