
David W. Richardson, CSP

There is one common observable feature of great communicators:  they all connect with their audiences.  They all reach out and make you participate in their communication process.

Make contact with your listeners!  Become audience-centered.  Reach out to them. There is no magic involved here; simply be aware that communication always includes feedback.  Don't just tell your audience what is on your mind -- connect with them, work for reactions from them and adjust to them through your words, voice, gestures and your whole body until they reach your desired objective.

Reach out to your audience.  Think and speak for your listeners, not for yourself, and you will feel your progress.  Audience-centered communication is the key to contact and success.

Following are 15 steps to help you connect immediately with your audience to stimulate positive feedback: 

1.     Establish a warm, relaxed rapport with your audience.

2.     Take charge of your presentation.

3.     Nail your feet to the floor about a foot apart; position your hands comfortably at your side.

4.     Stand still and stand tall.

5.     Dress the part.

6.     Position your hands comfortably and above your waist.  Gesture to reach out to your audience.

7.     Pause before you begin.  Look at your audience and smile.

8.     Maintain eye contact with your listeners.  Involve them in a silent dialogue.  Try to make sustained eye contact with each person.

9.     Speak loudly, clearly, and slowly; use animated conversation.

10.    Avoid "non-words" (ah, um, you know, okay, like, etc.)

11.    Don't apologize if you forget a point or leave something out -- work it in or drop it.

12.    Be yourself.  Your audience wants you to succeed.

13.    Be sure your audience understands.  Explain through examples.

14.    Speak on that which you have earned the right.

15.    Maintain a positive attitude.  Tell yourself with genuine confidence that this will be one of your best presentations ever. 

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