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Presentation Skills For
Pre-Construction Professionals

 David W. Richardson, CSP, provides professional coaching and consultation to construction companies, architectural firms, engineering, electrical, and environmental companies preparing for an interview or presentation for a decision making selection committee. 

Working with team members in a group, as well as one on one, he helps each individual prepare and rehearse his/her part of the interview.  His unique approach has enabled many companies to win high profile, seven- to eight-figure projects. 


To help short-listed construction companies win more projects through stronger representation in the pre-construction phase of the interview. 


A 6 to 8 hour intense workshop designed to help pre-construction managers and estimators improve their presentation skills. 


Anyone involved in the pre-construction phase, particularly those who participate (or will participate) in the interview process before a selection committee. 


A one-day intense workshop for pre-construction managers and estimators to help them: 

1.     Learn what a presentation really is and how to use it persuasively in highly-competitive situations. 

2.     Recognize how people learn, make decisions, and how to deliver a presentation to meet the simple needs of the committee. 

3.     Design a presentation.  Since most pre-construction information is to some degree similar from project to project; e.g., constructability reviews and value engineering, a model for the presentation will be created into which they can insert the appropriate specifics. 

4.     Practice presenting stories and examples with clarity, conviction, and possibly even humor to maintain (or gain) the undivided interest of the committee. 

5.     Learn how to accurately present their process and concept with energy and enthusiasm. 

6.     Create easy-to-follow visual aids that enhance the committee’s perception of what is being said. 

7.     Learn the value of the non-verbal message, e.g., eye contact, gestures, and how to position their body in an assertive fashion. 

In order to maximize the take-away, it is recommended that classes be limited to 8 participants.  Everyone will practice the presentation, be videotaped, and positively critiqued. 


1.     Be represented in the pre-construction phase of the presentation by an individual who will connect with every selection committee member every time. 

2.     Eliminate confusion and misunderstanding by non-technical members of the committee. 

3.     Be able to consistently receive the maximum allowable points by the committee in each major category of selection. 

4.     Outshine your competition who continues to present pre-construction as a task vs. an opportunity. 

5.     Be selected as contractor of choice because you convinced them that you were the best. 

Projects are won and lost by just a couple of points, most of them during the presentation regarding pre-construction.  The difference between #1 and #2 is usually nothing more than a gut level feeling by one or two committee members. 

Because of your investment just to reach the short list, if you really want to win you can’t afford to showcase anything but the very best, most well-prepared team.

To Schedule a Speaking Engagement or 
Consultation with David W. Richardson, CSP 
Call 1-800-338-5831,
480-451-8808 or e-mail us at

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