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Book 3 of 4

When was the last time you sat through a presentation that was totally boring?  When was the last time you delivered a presentation that was totally boring?  Book 3 is packed with great ideas on such key areas as how to present technical information to non-technical listeners, how not to let your timing kill your presentation, and how to deal with a difficult or hostile audience.

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It’s not enough to have a well thought out, rehearsed presentation.  As presenters we must be able to anticipate any opportunity, problem, or challenge when it appears.  We must be ready to shift gears, change our approach, and modify our message in order to reach a difficult audience who is “not getting it.” 

This e-book is jam packed with simple to use tips on how to make your presentations more dynamic than ever. 

Sometimes It’s What You Don’t Do

Isn’t it amazing . . . we always focus on what we should do.  This chapter will focus on four things you definitely don’t want to do such as memorizing your presentation, reading your presentation, or even something as simple as eating a big meal just before a speech.  If you know what you don’t want to do, it is always easier to focus upon what you do want to do 

Are You Presenting What Your Listener is Really Buying?

We are very quick to emphasize the technical aspects of our message, but do we really understand our listeners?  Do we really know what they want and what they need to hear from us? 

If you are presenting or selling to clients in a business to business situation, this chapter will show you how to speak strategically as opposed to just tactically  You will also learn five very powerful questions you can use with any client or prospect to get them to open up and explain their gut level needs to you. 

Presenting Technical Information to Non-Technical Listeners

Many major business initiatives and powerful programs are continually retarded in their growth because the presenters are unable to translate their technical information in such a manner that anybody listening can easily understand. 

People are quickly bored with the technical facts you lay before them.  As a result, they do not learn, they do not take action, and a terrific program may fall flat on its face.  In this chapter you will learn five great techniques for taking your technical information and making it interesting to non-technical listeners. 

PowerPoint™ Technology . . . Bah Humbug

PowerPoint™ is one of the greatest visual aids ever invented.  It is also the one visual aid which is most frequently abused by the presenter.  Visuals that can’t be seen by the listeners, talking about one idea when something totally different is on the screen, and worst of all, dumping your entire presentation on PowerPoint™ and expecting someone to gain from it. 

In this chapter you will learn how to use visuals other than PowerPoint™.  Something as simple and low tech as a flip chart can strongly enhance your presentation and lead you to the results you desire. 

Market Your Business by Speaking to Business Groups

Business, professional, social, and civic clubs are always looking for speakers.  A jeweler shares secrets of how diamonds were formed and are ultimately brought to market, and why they are so darned expensive.  A car dealer talks about the tooling process that goes into designing new models for each year.  A computer company delivers a presentation that shows the growth (or reduction) of humongous slow computers to highly efficient eight-ounce laptops. 

10 Ways to Destroy a Presentation

When it comes to speaking, many people simply self-destruct and walk away wishing they had performed better.  Here are 10 ways you can destroy a presentation . . . see if any of them apply to you.  Most presenters just want to get up there and “get it over with.”  Do you fall into that category?  If so, some of these 10 ways to destroy a presentation will most certainly point to you.  Learn what you can do to make every presentation an overwhelming success. 

Don’t Let Timing Kill Your Presentation

When is the best time to schedule a presentation to your client?  If you are one of several competitors making a business proposal, do you want to go first, second, third, or last?  If you are fortunate enough to have a choice, here are some valuable tips that will help you make your decision.  Read this chapter and learn why most people want to go last and why I, given a choice, will always present first, before all my competitors. 

Learn the disadvantages of going just before or just after lunch and what you can do to maximize your opportunities in those situations. 

Dealing with a Difficult or Hostile Audience

As you go on in your career and speak more often in public, sooner or later you are going to find yourself addressing a group of people who don’t want to be there . . . perhaps they don’t want you to be there either!  Sooner or later you will face an antagonistic, unhappy audience, remarkably unenthusiastic about your ideas or presentation.

This book is only available in E-Book Format.

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